Our Co-op
What is a Co-op?
A co-operative nursery school is made up of volunteer parents who come together to manage and participate in a school for their children. Through ongoing participation, parents have the opportunity to share and be involved in their child’s first school experience. Our school is incorporated under the Co-operative Corporations Act and is governed by its own by-laws. A Board of Directors, made up of volunteer members and elected on an annual basis, manages the school.

What is the Commitment For Parents/Caregivers at GCNS?
Families are an integral part of the school and by working closely with the educators a supportive relationship is developed between the nursery school and our families. The successful operation of a co-operative school depends on the involvement of its member families. Your contribution is key to the school’s success. GCNS creates an environment in which parents/caregivers work together to provide the highest quality early childhood education.
In keeping with the co-operative nature of our school, you, as the parent or caregiver, are encouraged to become actively involved in your child’s education. By helping out in the classroom, through participating on committees, sharing your talents or resources with the class, you will be showing your child that you are interested in their education. At the same time, your child will take pleasure in having you at school. This partnership between you, your child and their school will help to ensure your child’s success at learning.

Member Parents Can Expect:
✔ To be on duty once every 4 – 6 weeks and provide a nutritious snack
✔ To participate in fundraising efforts
✔ To sign up for a volunteer role (Board of Directors, Board Liaison, committee member, laundry, playdough)
✔ To attend the Annual Meeting of Members (AMM) in May and the Orientation Meeting in August
What Sets Us Apart
The Glebe Co-operative Nursery School is located in the fully accessible Glebe Community Centre in the heart of our community. Children in our school learn about and explore their world in our bright and spacious classroom, and have regular access to the main hall in the community centre. We are also one of the only nursery schools in the city that offers an on-site playground and year-round outdoor playtime.
What Sets Us Apart
The Glebe Co-operative Nursery School is located in the fully accessible Glebe Community Centre in the heart of our community. Children in our school learn about and explore their world in our bright and spacious classroom, and have regular access to the main hall in the community centre. We are also one of the only nursery schools in the city that offers an on-site playground and year-round outdoor playtime.
Our History
The Glebe Co-operative Nursery School began in September 1977 as a parent-child playgroup. Over the years, the playgroup evolved into a preschool staffed by professional early childhood educators. The school was incorporated in January of 1982 as a non-profit co-operative, necessitating the development of bylaws and operating policies to govern its organization and management. First licensed in November of 1988, the school is reviewed annually by the Ministry of Education to ensure that all licensing standards are met and maintained.
Glebe Co-operative Nursery School
175 Third Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1S 2K2